Showing posts with label Cohorts. Rob McMillan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cohorts. Rob McMillan. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The 2023 SVB Annual State of the Industry Report will be released January 18th

 Register here for the videocast, replay, presentation deck, and copy of this year's report.

Within the 2022 SVB State of the Wine Industry Survey run last October, we asked how 2022 went and got the following response. (See headline slide) 

Forty-percent of respondents said that the year was one of their better years or their best year ever. Fully sixty-five percent said it was a good year, and those results are very close to those from 2019 when we asked the same question. 

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Annual SVB/WBM Direct Consumer Sales Videocast

      Lots of Shades and Few Patterns

When I wrote the business plan for Silicon Valley Bank's entrance to the wine industry in 1992, I did so largely from a researchers perspective, as I had only modest prior industry experience, and by the time I authored the plan, the industry had completely changed.

I discovered in the process that there were conflicting industry opinions from many of the experts and little research available to support those opinions. The research that was being done was being created by researchers in Chicago and New York; far from wine country. There was almost almost zero street-level intelligence, with the exception of the work done by Motto Kryla and Fisher and Gomberg, Fredrikson & Associates.

As an analyst back then, deciphering the wine business was like trying to see patterns in the lead picture: Plenty of pop and thousands of brands, all trying to find their way in a crowded landscape. Every winery's nozzle was aimed in different directions - region, varietal, wine style, consumer, path to market, consumer segment - because strategy was too often supported by guess work.

That induced me to research and produce my own information for our customers - and the wine community as a whole. The upcoming videocast: Insights for Successful Consumer Wine sales is one such example. --> [signup here] <-- 

      What's the Greatest Risk Today?

The wine business is far more complex than people think. It's a maze of complexities with different models, varying paths to the consumer, pressure from federal, local, and state regulations, a lack of good information, controlling power in a small numbers of hands and changing consumer demand. Oftentime decisions are made with the love of the product in mind, versus a business decision being made with financial returns in mind.

Perhaps the greatest risk we should all be most worried about is our tendency to continue on on a path that's successful. If it works, we keep riding the trend as far as we can, until the strategy fails. In an industry that takes 5 years to get a fully mature yield, shouldn't we be making decisions with a view to meeting the future instead of reacting to the present? Where will things be in 5 years? I guarantee the industry 5 years from now will look very different than it does right now, so the strategies that are starting to wobble today, will be on life support five years from today.

With that in mind and the new SVB DtC Survey now complete, there are many things we'd like to bring out and discuss, including current insights from the survey as well as marketing solutions to consider. This is a time where we need people to grasp the issues, and participate in the evolution of the business and consumer. Getting out ahead of this evolution is where you will find opportunity for growth. 

      Understanding is the Beginning of Change

What are some of the changes we are seeing in this year's survey?

There are more tasting rooms being opened today versus wineries, as a result of the shift to direct to consumer sales, but since 2013, there are fewer of both being opened.

Tasting fees which have been increasing for years are now leveling off; a sign that tasting fees have reached the point where they may be discouraging good/new customers.

After years of seeing increases in by-appointment tastings, the percentage of pure by-appointment has dropped in favor of a mixed model, accepting both walk-in and those with appointments, with respondents suggesting the mix of tastings is also going more of a blend of formal and casual, reflecting consumers with split preferences - some preferring casual and others formal.

I hope that's enough of a teaser to get you to sign up for the annual SVB/Wine Business Monthly Live Videocast, where we will offer more dialogue on many new findings, along with a lively discussion of solutions and strategy.

In addition to myself and Cyril Penn, included as new guests this year are Tammy Boatright; a person with more than 20 years in direct marketing and winery management and Lisa Kislak with decades of experience in white table cloth restaurants applying data to drive marketing decisions.

Please [register] for this year's live telecast which will take place May 22nd at 9:30 Pacific Time. Joining live gets you into the chat room where you can ask questions of the panel, and discuss with wine people from across the globe. 

Even if you can't make this time, registering will get you the link to the videocast replay when that's available.

This year's panel will include:
        Tammy Boatright - President, VingDirect
        Lisa Kislak - Chief Marketing Officer of Crimson Wine Group
        Cyril Penn, Editor in Chief, Wine Business Monthly.

Date:   May 22nd, 2019
Time:  9:30 am - 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Friday, September 28, 2018

The Annual SVB Wine Business Survey


      Business Intelligence?

There is something changing in the business environment. You can feel it. Business is good, but it's fundamentally changing. You have examples of change in the way your business is functioning right now. The consumer is different, but what's causing the change and how will the change impact you? 

Those are the questions business owners should be asking today because change creates both opportunities and threats. So we need to understand what's happening in measurable ways. We all need to know exactly what's transpiring, but how are you going to get that business intelligence?

      Story of My Life

I've always been frustrated by the lack of actionable information and the availability of street-level intelligence in the wine business. There was plenty of information on wine-making and grape growing, but there was never satisfying business intelligence available. What is really happening? How can I know if a decision is sound without any reference points? 

With no good information available, more than 15 years ago I started doing annual research just to make sure the wine community had a starting point. There is a lot to talk about today:

  • What are emerging trends in Direct to Consumer sales?
  • Is there any pricing upside available in my price segment?
  • Will M&A continue and if so, what are buyers seeking?
  • What growth rate can I anticipate next year?
  • Where should I look for new consumers?
  • Are imports or cannabis going to cut into sales? 
  • Will grape prices increase next year?

Monday, May 30, 2016

Selling Millennials Through Myths & Lies (Part 1)

Authenticity. Only for millennials?

Just the Facts

Millennials are the most engaged and socially connected generation of all cohorts. They demand sustainability and authenticity in their products. Socially responsible and transparent companies rank high in importance when it comes to their purchase decisions. They demand customization and wide selection. They consume more wine per occasion than all the other cohorts combined.

Thirty-three percent of Millennials say they are motivated to buy more frequently when a friend recommends a wine, but 99.8% say they like any wine better when a friend buys it for them. 

One hundred and fourteen percent agree with the statement that feeding one's animal spirits premium wine is better than hitting your toe with a hammer. The remaining percentage believe morning-after flat party beer is good for hydration, so long as there are no cigarette butts in the bottle. When there are butts in the beer, their preference to consume falls to 0.4% with a statistical error rate of +/- 0.4%

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Annual DtC Videocast Tomorrow - Last Chance Signup

I'm not fond of looking at pictures of myself. It's even worse when I try and grab a screen shot like the above from last year's Tasting Room videocast. Blech. Makes me sick. That looks like I'm getting ready to spit! Actually it's the end of a sentence where I'm saying 'tasting roooommmmm.' That's what I look like when I say 'm,' and it's the best I could do - I'm sad to say. But looks aren't everything. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Market to GenX at your own Risk

Let's talk about Millennials! How exciting is that conversation? Demographers and researchers are laser focused. It's a feeding frenzy at times because that's the growth opportunity of future retail. Boomers are old news, nothing to write home about and not hardly anywhere near as interesting as Millennials.

Oh ... there is GenX of course but why talk about them? They are a small cohort.... except they are the second largest consumer of fine wine in the U.S. today and the largest growth opportunity for most wineries, but that doesn't matter. Let's talk about Millennials!