A Technical Issue?
I spent an inordinate amount of time over the July 4th weekend on the Blog that was released on Monday which discussed the pilfering of 250,000 credit card records from eCellars.
I got so focused on understanding this situation I got a little freaked out yesterday when my company laptop didn't work right, my cell phone started freezing and nobody could hear me when I called, my home internet seemed to be operating at 10% of normal, and then the car battery died. WHAT IS GOING ON? .... just a bad day of negative coincidence?
A Precursor of A Really Bad Day - Are You Prepared with a Plan?
Then .... yesterday United Airlines, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Stock Exchange all closed. WHAT IS GOING ON? Maybe it's an overreaction to worry about a linkage between my cell phone and car battery but when a "technical issue" shuts down the NYSE, something is going on. Turns out the NYSE outage had to do with a required computer software upgrade in a gateway.
I think it really comes down to money. Coming up with advanced technology generally starts when individuals come up with an idea, get proof of concept, find funding and if all goes well a company like Fire Eye takes off and goes public. In the meantime, masses of good ideas never find their way to being a sustainable business.
State-Sponsored Cyber Threats

Public estimates indicate more than 140 states all over the world are working on creating cyber weaponry. Those people who are working on state-sponsored activities also get ideas and the activity creates new ideas that can end up in the commercial world or in dark corners of the world.
What does that have to do with wine?
With more money than needed, the battle for internet security is being won by people and countries who want to use the information channel for other things other than what we'd normally consider. People are working on discovering vulnerabilities in networks, ways of crashing mission critical industries and networks, disrupting municipal systems ... and yes stealing stuff.
The places that are obviously most likely to suffer from any attack are countries and systems that are the least protected.... And that's where wine comes in.
As noted in the Monday blog, the industry has self-reported that about a third aren't up to speed with basic security protocols as defined by the Payments Industry ("PCI Compliance"). Another third don't even know what PCI Compliance means. That means the eCellars data hack is a harbinger of things to come. We will see more cyber attacks unless the industry really gets hold of this risk.
Resources -

Free Live Webinar July 21st 2015
Any merchant that stores, processes, or transmits non-public customer information must comply with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security standards. Non-compliance can open your company to costs, liabilities, and fines totaling $50,000 or more.
Silicon Valley Bank and ControlScan put on a free VideoCast on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, to outline the PCI security standards – and what they mean to you.
Silicon Valley Bank and ControlScan put on a free VideoCast on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, to outline the PCI security standards – and what they mean to you.
- Current fraud trends and the latest breach statistics
- Understanding what PCI compliance means – and how it benefits your company in the event of a fraud or breach event
- Best practices on completing the self-assessment questionnaire
- Stephen Ramminger, Senior Business Operations Manager, ControlScan
- Jon Uyterlinde, Product Manager, Merchant Services, Silicon Valley Bank
- Please click here to view the replay.
- Please click here to download the presentation slides.
Additional Resources:
- Ten Mistake Companies Make After A Data Breach
- PCI Security Standards Council
- Data Breach: 9 Step Guide for Small Merchants (PDF)
- Example of a Compliance Company as a vendor
- PCI Compliance FAQ's
- SVB Cyber Security Report (Industry Information)
- Visa Compliance Page
- MasterCard Compliance Page
- Discover Compliance Page
- American Express Compliance Page
- Cyber Contingency Plans
Please sign up for the discussion on Payments Security on July 24th, and encourage anyone in your company involved with the payments processes in the Tasting Room and accounting teams to sign up as well. [LINK]
Post Script
Besides all the technology glitches happening to me, my sewer has backed up. I have guests coming so I called "Same Day Plumbing" and ....you got it, they will be coming tomorrow instead of same day. Maybe I should consult my horoscope or something else?
As always - if you'd like to comment feel free to join the blog, sign in and post your question or comment. And if you believe this is worthwhile for the Wine Business please promote this on your favorite Social Media Platform.
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