Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Annual SVB State of the Industry Survey is Closing

The wine industry is in uncharted territory, but analysts' opinions of its current state vary. If the analyst views were music, they would range from Bob Marley's, 'Every Little Thing's gonna be Alright,' to Led Zeppelin's, 'When the Levee Breaks, I'll Have no Place to Stay.' Who are you going to believe?

While instinct has a place, facts matter, and there are too many supporting facts to think everything is just fine. Finding the good news in the information has become challenging. It's not all bad. Some wineries continue to perform well, even though they are experiencing the same headwinds as your winery. Why is that? How will you respond to the headwinds? Where are there opportunities?

SVB has been dissecting the wine business and offering the industry and regions fact-based guidance for nearly 30 years. The NY Times calls the SVB report "probably the most influential analysis of its kind." What do we owe that to? A lot of consistent hard work and a desire to improve each year, a wide net when gathering information, personal relationships with hundreds of wineries, and a partnership with the industry to drive benchmarks that give subjective and objective conclusions to our opinions. We can only do what we do only with the industry's support.

These are the final days to participate in the 2024 State of the Industry Survey. We have a soft close scheduled for Friday the 18th but have decided to leave the survey open for stragglers through the weekend. We currently have 363 responses and are on pace to reach our goal of 500 wineries with cooperation this week.

Adding your data to this annual industry event will only take about 20 minutes. 

  • Here are the survey questions that you can use to prepare: Link
  • Here is the survey itself: Link.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Is this a correction, or a small road bump?

Before discussing the topic, let me get some quick business out of the way: The SVB Annual State of the Industry Survey is open for two more weeks, and your participation is vital. We really need your help. We currently have 140 responses but need at least 500 responses. Why participate? 

The SVB Wine Industry Report has provided transparent, fact-based direction for the US Wine Industry for decades. The survey adds subjective color to objective data. That color produces better understanding, which is the first step in planning change. 

This survey is done in partnership with you the winery. Adding your data to this annual industry event will only take about 20 minutes. 

  • Here are the survey questions that you can use to prepare: Link
  • Here is the survey itself: Link.